Early Access & other extras
For members and supporters of the Story Aerie

A Smear of Blood
Sometimes the world turns on the smallest things.
A left turn.
A child’s prayer.
A smear of blood.
The dark goddess of the hunt has been freed from her long sleep.
She has called her priest and her magic prevents any other from hunting him down.
Together they hunt those who trapped her.
And they will save the goddes.
Cost of His Silence
The long awaited sequel to Bound by His Oath, Cost of His Silence tells the story of one of Reimund’s most trusted knights and Mildthryth’s strongest warriors.
Sir John isn’t as angry as he once was, and he is loyal to a fault. But he still doesn’t understand or like the Anglish customs he now lives among, or the fact that it is Lady Mildthryth and not his longtime friend Lord Reimund who truly rules Oak Haven.
Helen isn’t as scared as she once was, but she still doesn’t trust the Norns — especially Sir John, whose anger towards Lady Mildthryth and the very concept of women warriors is well known. And Helen has a secret, one that can’t be hidden forever…
GalacticReddit AITA
Nearly five years ago, I ended up on one of the 3Ps and my ‘contract’ was bought by a man suffering from Verda parasite. He was looking for a temporary sex slave so he could manage the parasite’s symptoms.
He was also so wracked by guilt he never noticed that I used my time when I wasn’t ‘working’ to keep up with my studies and maintain my day job ‘long distance’. Honestly, he made a shitty slave owner but was a pretty good man and once we sorted things out between us to my satisfaction things went well. Except that he never got over his guilt complex and when I finished ‘working off’ my contract insisted on sending me home. Whether I wanted to go or not…
Or enjoy the newest episode!
“I may have condemned my own son.” Dannel jumped up, knocking his chair over with a loud crash. “You–” For the second time, Dannel was wrapped in Lord Falthro’s glamour. “Stop. Be silent.” He froze, unable to move…
About Us
The Story Aerie is the love child of Jess Mahler and Raidon Phoenix…
Coming soon